Ok, so I know I haven't been here in a long damn time. Here's my list of excuses...
1. I am busier than crap now that I got promoted.
2. I don't have a real computer where I am staying.
3. I was too worried about all the stuff going to really post honestly about it!!
Anyway, now the good news! C got the transfer to my new institution. Yeah!! And, she gets to keep her rank which was really, really important to her. Last night was her last night at our old institution, so I imagine she is nervous and worried about that, but she doesn't talk about it. We found a place to live that is bigger than a shoebox. Really you should have seen the place I was staying. Tiny doesn't adequately describe it. We are moving on Thursday and Friday which gives me three days (WTF?????) to pare down and pack everything we really want to take. I don't know why, but I really feel like we have been packrats for long enough, and now is the time to remedy the situation. My 3 kiddos that live here full time have school until Wednesday, so I know they are freaking out about everything too.
The Diva broke up with the boyfriend, which led to an angry phone call and a couple of back-handed facebook posts to me, which really??? Why get involved in our kids business like that? They are 15 and 16, and it was their first boyfriend/girlfriend experience. They will be fine. Even if the other mother thought for sure everyone was going to get married and live happily ever after. Again, WTF?
Also, KBear, my middle daughter who ran off to live in Texas with her Dad, is home for the Winter holiday. I am so happy to see her, but I want us to have a nice time, and I am worried as crap that she will use any excuse to fight with the Diva. Today we are going to my Aunt's house for our christmas with them, which means I lose a whole day of packing, but we don't see them very often so I just go with the flow.
I will probably not post again until after the new year because we are going to be super-busy, and I don't know how I'm going to get it all done between now and then and OMG just breathe dammit!! Anyway, know that I am still reading all of your stuff, and thinking about you all everyday. Have a blessed winter season, no matter what you celebrate!! :)
My Weekend (RIP) Crush
1 day ago