I took the Diva to see My Sister's Keeper tonight. It is a fairly sad movie and although C would sit through it with me (and probably will once it is in stores), I thought she has been through enough lately.
It is a good movie, moving, sad, somewhat uplifting, but all in all a good movie. Here's the bad part though...If you read the book don't expect the movie to hold a candle to it.
I liked it, I just wish it hadn't been the very first Jodi Picoult book that I read. I love her, I love her writing even though she makes me cry every time. Sometimes that is cathartic, I think.
The other problem is I probably won't be able to convince the Diva to read the book, she is still working on Breaking Dawn. So, I sat there and didn't say anything when the end went in an unexpected direction. She won't know what she is missing and neither will C, so the only person I could really talk to about it is my sister. She would go on a complete tangent with this one, I promise.
In other news, the Soldier, the Princess and the Fairy Princess are all in Hotlanta for the next two weeks, so I am trying to figure out how to fill my time on the weekends. We are off to the museum on Sunday, and I think that will be wicked fun.
And... the low here tonight is going to be 57, hooray for open windows and bulldogs that can breathe b/c the humidity finally went away!!! Yippee!
My Weekend (RIP) Crush
2 days ago
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